Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just how do they learn to do that?

In May, we went up to
New England Center for Circus Arts and worked with the amazing Bill Forchion. Whenever we go up to Vermont, we take a list of what we want to work on. Here's a video of us attempting a new move we call "Bobbing for Bonnie."

May Rehearsal Tapes

We're back in the studio!

As a way to record our work and to remember it, we take lots of video. Here's some of what we are working on.

It is a silent video so we suggest listening to your favorite music as you watch to give it a little kick.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Secret Agent Mission: Summer

We catch up with The Agents as they craftily create their new show, “Poste Restante.”

Always eager for a challenging mission, The Agents actually set up a neigh on insurmountable obstacle course in between them and the August premiere of Poste Restante at the Perishable Theater in Providence, RI. What are these insane tests of bravery and virtue the agents accepted with open arms? Tests that would easily send other agents cowering into obscurity?

First off, living a few blocks away from each other was far too easy, so Tim moved to Philadelphia. Then, thinking her triathlete-ed body was an unfair advantage over rival agents, Bonnie had a baby…. Boy. Jack! A veritable wolf of energy and cuteness. Tim, impressed with his partner’s fair-mindedness, decided to wring his head through mental meat grinder of the MCAT to allow adversaries a chance to catch up to his intellect.

You may think the Secret Agents were just begging for certain doom, but no. oh, no, no, no. The Secret Agents persevered!

Tim harnessed the power of the Fung Wah Chinatown bus to propel him from Philly to Boston and back numerous times. Bonnie, undaunted by a new body, biked and ran again! Together they trained with Master Bill Forchion at New England Center for Circus Arts who built them up, then humbled them and then built them up again.

Like a Phoenix from the ashes, The Secret Agents piece together their amazing new show weekend by weekend. Now, with an added boost from their allies The Puppeteers of America grant writers, The Agents push on. Into uncharted territory. Batting the acro, building the scenes and setting the score that will ignite Providence. San Francisco! The World?!